Tuesday, March 17, 2009

hand-made in heaven

Some of the Baltimore people were sharing in the service last Sunday.
One man’s comment really ministered to me.
He reminded us how God created everything by His Word, but man
He made by His own hands.
God has a closer connection with man than with anything else in the world.
As I continued to reflect on this theme the Holy Spirit showed me
how much God really cares for each one of us. We are hand-made.
I have always believed that God speaks to us today.
He reveals His character in His Word through our reading and listening.
But God doesn’t only speak to us, He also cares for us beyond the words.
He physically prepares things and circumstances for us.
Think about the disciples who met the risen Savior.
He didn’t only speak to them, He had prepared a breakfast for them.
Isn’t this what Paul means when he speaks about the works
that God has prepared for us “that we should walk in them”. Eph.2:10
The world is full of His works for His people.

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