Friday, January 26, 2007

forgetting the things that were forgiven

In Leviticus 16 the Scapegoat was sent to the wilderness,
to the uninhabited land. Nobody was there to take care of
this animal. It was too far.
This is what the word forgiveness means.
“Aphiemi ” means to send away.
God has made this very clear.
When he forgives, he doesn’t just forget our sin, but
He removes it.
Three pictures of God’s forgiveness describe a place that is
beyond man’s reach.
Psalm 103:12 says that He removes our transgressions as far
as the east is from the west. This is beyond all the dimensions
known to man.
Micah 7:19 promises that our sins are cast into the depths of the sea.
In Isaiah 44:22 the Lord says that he has blotted out our sin
like a cloud.
One of the greatest celebrations in heaven is the absence of sin.
The Finnish translation of I Cor.13:5 reads:
Love doesn’t remember the evil it has suffered.

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