Thursday, March 8, 2007

women's day, international...

Do we need an International Women’s Day?
Do women need it?
Maybe the estimated 8 million illiterate women
in Turkey would need more a Local Women’s Day?
Maybe the 640 000 Turkish girls who don’t go to school
have never even heard the word International.
In the Turkish Parliament they just had a “hat versus
headscarf ” protest. Women wearing hats were not allowed
to participate in a special session in Parliament without
taking off their hats. They complained that there were
women in the audience wearing headscarves.
This is a good example of women on their behalf
expressing deeper problems in the society.
Hats and scarves have become symbols of two political,
philosophical and religious movements.
Women often bear the invisible burden of their men’s
success. In many cases though it is not just a humble,
praying mother, who is in the background.
Sometimes she is a master manipulator with ambitious
schemes and limitless strength to push their male figure
higher in the steps of productivity and fame.
I have a Turkish friend whose mother started crying
when he just mentioned that he had visited the church
a couple of times. He was terrified.
He said he only could imagine what would happen ,
if he told her that he had become a Christian.
This mother’s manipulation was a strong enough reason
for him not to accept Christ.
Her ignorance prevailed over all his education and experience.
Do we need an International Women’s Day?
Yes, I think we need an International Women’s Revival.

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