Wednesday, April 11, 2007

jungle of voices

He who gets my ear will get my heart, too.
It’s no wonder that the world is so noisy.
It’s full of voices, that fight for our attention.
David was chosen by God, even though his brothers seemingly
were better candidates to become the king of Israel.
David had no secret motives nor ambitious plans to promote
himself. He already had found the treasure of fellowshipping
with the Lord in an intimate way. Ps.27:4
He was accused for coming to the battle field because of
his selfish interests, when he actually was sent there by his father.
He was attacked and discouraged by so many voices before he
came to meet Goliath face to face. It looks like the killing
of Goliath was nothing compared with the jungle of voices that
he had to fight through in order to get there. I Samuel 17
Besides the mocking voice of Goliath he also heard his own
brothers accusing him.
Even Saul whom he had ministered to for a while didn’t
recognize David as God’s anointed. Several times he was
asking ,”who is this man?”
Goliath despised him and told him that he doesn’t have a chance.
His brothers followed Saul and accused David for being an
irresponsible adventurer.
King Saul discouraged him and told him to look at himself.
David had a clear mind, because he fellowshipped with God.
He didn’t let any of those voices stop him.
He followed the Lord in the way that He was leading him.
He didn’t come to fight Goliath. He came in following the Lord.
Goliath happened to be standing on the way.

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