Monday, May 28, 2007


I’ve always been afraid that I would become a professional believer,
someone who knows the right words and behavior patterns, but does
not need to depend on God daily for a spiritual ministry.
The job of a missionary isn’t really that difficult. It’s an easy job to learn.
You can become a missionary in less than a week, but
it takes millions of daily deaths to continue being a missionary.
My dictionary defines the politician as “someone who is good
at using people or situations to his own advantage”.
This is another fear of my life.
I’m afraid that I become political in my relationships with people.
The more power and influence you have , the more you are tempted
to treat others just as stepping stones in order for you to reach your
own ambitious goals.
Peter encourages the believers to “obey the truth through the Spirit
in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure
heart…” I Pet.1:22
I always remember Pastor Stevens explaining this word unfeigned,
“anupokritos”, to us. It’s the real thing, genuine love without any
ulterior motives.
Vine, in his Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, explains it to refer
to someone who is “inexperienced in the art of acting”.
Jesus was not political at all.
That caused many influential people around him to become insecure.
They even tried to use Jesus, but they could not find any handle in him.
In His presence they could not hide behind their fancy words and titles.
He really loved people with "anupokritos" love.

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