Thursday, May 31, 2007

grace and salt

So many people seem to be overeducated for an ordinary
church life.
They get their intellectual hunger satisfied from other sources
and they accept the fact that the church can only have a limited
ministry to their soul. That is so sad.
Yes, we could say that they should just humble themselves and
put aside their “much learning” and keep it simple.
But, superficiality should never be accepted in the church.
Just because somebody doesn’t use the same words, body gestures
or clothing doesn’t mean that they challenge your spirituality.
One can be spiritual and intellectual in the same time.
Maybe they just need answers to questions that nobody ever has dared
to ask. Questions don’t destroy churches, hypocrisy does.
I love rap sessions in our church, especially when people really talk
with one another and not just perform to others.
It is so awesome to reach out beyond the standard religious vocabulary
and well polished religious behavior, and listen to people exchange
life beyond the risk less rhetorics.
We need to listen to one another.
We need to talk to one another.
We need to seek the mind of Christ in one another.
“Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt…” Col.4:6
Grace and salt bring the best out of every conversation.

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