Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Grace equips us in the spiritual conflict that we have been placed in.
It’s not a weak element. II Tim.2:1
Grace is never a B plan. God didn’t say, if
the law will not work I will give them grace. God’s thoughts were
gracious even before the foundation of the world.
This morning I watched the news from Gaza. The CNN report was titled
“Anatomy of conflict”. The more the reporter was explaining the different
elements of this conflict between Fatah and Hamas, the more messy it got.
I’m sure that at the end of the report most of the viewers were just as
puzzled as I was. I didn’t understand anything.
I think that we often experience the same in the spiritual warfare.
There are so many dimensions there, that logical thinking is not enough.
We need a child-like faith in order to keep our position in this battle.
It would be a drastic mistake to ignore that there is a conflict.
I think the Romans had learned this in their politics. They offered
“bread and circuses” in order to pacify the citizens. People’s basic
needs were met to the exclusion of weightier matters such as truth.
Satan doesn’t want people to know that there is a conflict.
Another mistake would be to try to fight the spiritual battle in our flesh
by being overly occupied with the visible conflicts.
That would keep us busy and maybe even seemingly successful, but
it would again just distract us from the real issues. Eph. 6:12
The real issue is faith.
Every expression of faith in the living Savior embarrasses and humiliates
the invisible accuser, who really is nothing more than a dying enemy,
trying to do as much damage as possible before his final collapse.

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