Saturday, June 23, 2007


Our worlds get so small. In a small world all innovative thinking
stagnates and relationships get stuck in a boring routine.
Conferences are an excellent medicine against a small world
Unfortunately the word conference sounds like a business term.
If you come to the Greater Grace World Outreach summer
Convention .with a desire to become a better salesman for our
“product”, you will most probably be disappointed.
Yes, the latest trends from the Evangelical movement might sometimes
pop up in one way or another, but this is not a know how conference.
We are interested in “ deep calling unto deep.” Psalm 42:7
Sometimes this deepness is expressed in great raps when people are free
to interact in the flow from the Word of God, sometimes we just
“deeply” laugh at the latest stories from the Mission field .
Nothing compares with the fellowship with the saints.
Yesterday Pastor Schaller commented on the foolishness of comparison.
He used a story of one of the prophets as an example of bad comparison.
The prophet said in his insecurity that he is no better than his fathers.
This is not needed. It has a taste of false humility in it.
We move on in God’s plan and get more occupied and fascinated
by the person of Christ. In His presence our small worlds loose their

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