Tuesday, September 18, 2007

miracles, who needs them?

Unfortunately we have learned how to be believers in this world.
This is both good and bad.
Good in the sense that we don’t cause an open conflict
everywhere where we go, because we have learned to
be politically, socially and culturally correct.
The big bad side of this adjustment to the world is that we
don’t really need God for our daily bread. We don’t need
his guidance, His defense. We don’t need His miracles
because we have learned to live our Christian life “by faith”,
without any supernatural experiences.
Our intellectual, modern interpretation of God has made
him unemployed as the miraculous helper in the time of need.
Even if we sometimes, in a weak moment, end up asking God
for his miraculous interference, we have become so good in
explaining why he didn’t do anything.
I think that the moment when I stop expecting miracles from
God I become a nominal Christian.
In Acts 12 Peter was miraculously released from the prison,
most probably as God’s answer to the prayers of the church.
They were all praying for his release.
When God brought him out , leading him from one miracle to
another, he came to the believers who turned out to be
very much like unbelievers in their expectations from God.
It looks like they didn’t expect God to answer their prayers.
But, yes, they were praying.
Salvation is the greatest need of every man.
It cannot happen by man’s own efforts.
It is always a miracle.
Most of the people around us are naturally not good candidates
for salvation. They don’t look like needing anything.
Their life seems to be so fine without our type of church activities.
Don’t let that deceive you.
Man’s life without an eternal purpose is but a vapor.
Bread alone can keep man standing on his feet, but cannot feed his
starving soul at all.
What do you expect from God?
Do you expect God to do something normal or
are you ready for his miracles?

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