Thursday, November 29, 2007


He was a rich, young ruler. Matt.19
Seemingly he had achieved everything that life had to offer.
He came to Jesus with an empty heart.
He asked Jesus for his program. Maybe it would help him to
forget about the vanity of everything.
Jesus, what are your rules? What is your method?
What is your program?
Jesus shocked him by simply inviting him to follow him.
Listen to him daily. Depend on him for your next step.
But, how am I supposed to live my life? What is forbidden?
What is allowed? Maybe I can manage it?
In Christianity there are no rules, there is full freedom.
Gal.5:1, I Cor.10:23-24
All things are lawful for us, but not everything is wise.
That sounds very liberal.
Jesus is counting on his relationship with us.
The Bible says, whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. I Cor.10:31
I think that most of us think that God has given us too much
freedom. For sure we will not be able to live right without
an outward control. Rules would make us feel more secure.
Many times people don’t steal, because they simply don’t have an
opportunity to do that. They steal only in their hearts.
But isn’t this the way how God is glorified:
when I don’t steal, even if I had a perfect opportunity to do that.
Why not? Because I’ve been set free not to do it.
True freedom means freedom from inside. It doesn’t depend on people.
It doesn’t depend on circumstances.
It is our greatest responsibility.
Freedom is a sure sign that God trusts in the power of his grace towards us.
If he didn’t, he would have created perfect religious robots that would be
programmed only to obey.
Free will is his first gift to man.

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