Sunday, December 16, 2007

we shall never die

Man doesn’t want to die. Man wants to live.
When Hannele, our midwife friend from Finland
visited us last spring, she told us about
the prematurely born babies who show an incredible
aspiration for life. These little miracles fight for their
lives with all that is in them.
Every new moment is a victory for them.
The darkest moment in man’s life is when he says,
”I just don’t want to live.”
We were created to live, not to die.
Without hope it’s difficult to live.
Man’s hope is based on God’s promise.
Jesus said to Martha at her brother’s grave:
“He who believes in me shall never die.” John 11:26
This is the promise that strengthens our desire to live
in all circumstances.
So many have been hurt by false promises.
People betray people all the time, all over the place.
It’s a miracle, if man manages to keep his trust in people
during his life-time.
Trusting God is our only chance.
What else do we have?
Tell me, who else promises to care for us through death.
The rich and famous have enough problems for themselves.
They will not be willing nor able to escort us from time to eternity.
With money you can buy a better looking casket for your earthly
body, but you will not be there to enjoy it, no one will.
Jesus shared another true story in Luke 16.
This beggar had lost everything. He was not a prototype of
a good exemplary believer. He was a real basket case.
Nevertheless, he had the same testimony in his heart,” I shall
never die.”
Everything went wrong, but at his death he was crowned with
glory and dignity. That’s us.
What a treasure!
What a victory! Christ in us, the hope of glory. Col.1:27

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