Sunday, March 16, 2008

fill your mind

Prayer without meditation becomes ritualistic and impersonal.
The Bible encourages us to meditate on God’s Word all the
time, day and night. Psalm 1:2
Doesn’t that sound a bit extreme?
Does God really want us to forget about our daily responsibilities
and escape to some kind of hyper spiritual cloud?
Of course not, he is more realistic than any of us. He is
the maker of our mind.
Our mind was created to think with him.
“Don’t think, pray” is a bad advice.
You cannot pray without thinking.
One of the differences between thinking and meditation is that
thinking can be impersonal, meditation cannot.
In meditation we actually talk to ourselves and let God talk to us.
Christian meditation is the opposite of the kind of oriental meditation
where your aim is to empty your mind. The Bible encourages
us to fill our minds. Eph. 5:18, Col. 3:16
An empty mind is an open invitation to
all kinds of demon activity and influence.
Meditation takes time. Nobody has that time. You have to take it.
You cannot meditate fast.
Meditation will direct your inner life and your inner life will
direct your steps. Often we are taken to unexpected situations.
There will be no time to study the matter, no opportunity to go
through a process of evaluation. We must respond fast.
Meditation prepares us for life’s surprises.
Our goal in meditation is obedience and a deeper dependency
on God. II Cor.10:5
Push it into your schedule and you will find so much more
light on your daily path. Psalm 119:105

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