Thursday, March 20, 2008


“Giving gifts is not just pleasant, it’s profitable.”
This statement surprised me in a Russian advertisement.
Somehow the hypocrisy of it really irritated me.
It’s a play with words, but behind it is a more serious
game where everything is allowed as long as you can
profit from it. Giving gifts, one of the most beautiful
expressions in human relationships, is reduced to a
dirty trick. Giving has become a method of cheating.
It has turned to a cold calculation for selfish gain.
The term “Indian giving”, when a person takes back the
gift he has previously given, could as well be called
human giving. It happens in all cultures. It brings
disappointments to all kinds of people around the world.
It is one of the numerous techniques in the game of giving.
God wants us to give.
He wants us to learn giving from him.
Give, without expecting anything in return. Luke 6:30
Give, even when you will loose it from yourself. I John 3:16
Give, simply because you have received. I Cor.4:7
God gave because of himself, in an unselfish selfish way.
It all reflects his uncompromising character.
Obviously he doesn’t need anything in return.
Of course, he has no danger of loosing himself,
but certain things he will not have, unless we give them
to him.
This brings us to a place of worship, where we give
him ourselves and gladly submit our will to his.
He doesn’t desire a sacrifice, but he finds great pleasure
in our obedience. I Sam.15:22

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