Friday, July 18, 2008

Pater Noster

In the most famous Christian prayer, the Lord’s Prayer,
there are a couple of moments that are difficult to understand.
In Matthew 6:13 Jesus is teaching us to pray that God would
“not lead us into temptation”.
Several things are obvious in the light of other passages from
the Bible.
God doesn’t tempt anyone. James 1:13
Jesus said that temptations must come. Matthew 18:7
The Spirit leads us to the place of temptation. Matthew 4
Temptations are a part of our training in godliness.
So , are we asking the impossible by praying that God
would not lead us into temptations?
Greek scholars point out that there is a difference between
leading into temptations and unto temptations.
They point out that the double use of the preposition
communicates the deeper meaning of this verse.
It’s a request to help us to resist temptation, not to give in to it.
The same way as entering into the Kingdom of God means
to become a part of it, to be led into temptation means that
we respond to it and let it bring forth sin.
This should be our daily prayer.
Lord, let us pass today’s temptations without giving even
a second to them.
It’s a joy to be able to resist temptations by simply falling
in love with God over and over again.

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