Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Lies lead us to fight wrong battles.
We cannot loose our salvation , but we can easily loose
our concentration and our vision.
Yes, people are busy. It’s often considered as a sure sign
of productivity and importance.
What are people so busy with?
I looked at the companies around us.
One of them is in advertising business, working long hours
with the goal of reaching people with “whatsoever” messages.
Another company is selling insurances, making money from
people’s fears and insecurities.
Then there is a dancing school, soccer association and
the innocent looking old lady at the street corner selling
flowers, cheating busy people with tripled,
every day changing prices.
Yes, people are busy.
This battle is all about attention.
He who gets our attention, gets our time.
The battle for time is real.
If we ignore this battle saying that there is no conflict,
we have believed a lie.
If we think that we can fight this battle in our own strength,
we live in a lie. Acts 3:12
If we end up fighting people, especially other believers,
we have believed a lie. Eph.6:12
God has filled our history with opportunities to glorify him.
Every second is another invitation to give our attention to
those things that really matter.
Time is for Eternity.

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