Wednesday, October 1, 2008

today's freedom

Freedom means choices.
If a man doesn’t believe that he has any choices,
he will not believe that he has any responsibilities either.
It’s impossible to continue experiencing freedom without
responsibilities showing up.
Another commonly accepted lie about choices is to think
that one chooses only for himself.
This has been strongly amplified in Western societies
where personal comfort and security are highly respected
values. All our choices influence other people one way or
another. No man is an island and no man has ever survived
in this world without the help of others.
It’s also a lie to think that the same choices will always be there.
As time goes on our legs start running slower and our
minds need to be waken up over and over again to hear
the smallest piece of new information. Teeth start falling
and brains start leaking.
Life is dynamic. It goes on without waiting for us to sort
out all our “I will”s and other complicated excuses and
explanations to defend our disobedience.
Choose well now, when you still can say ”Today”!
One day “Today” will not exist anymore and
will not come back for us to enjoy.

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