Friday, December 5, 2008

same sky, different clouds

“Don’t watch the sun, observe the wind”,
was the advice I was given after moving to
Baku .
Ever since those days all kinds of winds have
blown in my life. They have left their marks
and their colors in my soul.
The ancient truth still stands,
“There is nothing new under the sun.”
It’s the same sky for all of us,
just the clouds vary from day to day.
Like a blind photographer I have viewed the
invisible, those things that cannot be
manipulated nor controlled my man,
the life beyond the clouds.
As someone said, “The tragedy in life is not
what we suffer, but what we miss.”
Don’t miss Eternity.
It will remain after all winds have blown and
the sun has been removed.
Everything else falls short when compared
with it.

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