Saturday, May 16, 2009


1. Name: Yura Zamoldinov
2. Profession: Helper in the Church
3. Church: Greater Grace Church in Baku
4. Lately been encouraged by:
Every day I’m so encouraged when I see
how God reveals his love for me and others.
You understand that God
is alive and near.
5. Missions vision:
I’m praying for the Turkish Window, especially for China and that we
would have a Greater Grace Church in Mongolia.
6. Special prayer request:
Please, pray for the situation with my apartment. Since last September
me and four other families have ended up in a difficult situation.
Pray also for the giving to increase in our church.
Pray for more spiritual growth for all of us.
7. Special greetings: P.Arto, Guy Singletary, P.Bob and Carolyn Lentz

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