Monday, August 31, 2009

taking a spiritual stand

According to the Word of God there are only two kinds of people
on this earth, those who have the Spirit of God and those who don’t.
It’s really shocking when you think about it.
God doesn’t divide people between good and bad; men and women;
rich and poor; black and white.
As Spirit indwelled people we are in a really unique position.
God encourages us to be Spirit filled and Spirit led.
He wants us to take a spiritual stand in our life situations.
I Cor.4:7 puts all things to their proper place.
We don’t have anything unless we receive it.
David, the most beloved king of Israel, knew this.
He knew that his life was a gift, so was his success, opportunities.
This helped him to take a spiritual stand in those situations that
the plan of God led him into.
In I Sam.24 he got a piece of Saul’s garment and was right away
convicted by the Spirit of God.
He didn’t do what his men told him to do.
He didn’t do what everyone else would have done.
He took a spiritual stand and bowed down before his persecutor.
He knew that Saul was wrong, but he also knew that Saul was
anointed by God. David would not raise his hand against God’s
A similar thing happened with the water from the well in Bethlehem.
After his men had risked their life to get him the water he refused
to drink it. He took a spiritual stand and poured it as an offering to
the Lord. Probably some people got offended by this, but I’m sure
that his men saw something that they had never seen before.
Could that happen with us, too.
Yes, the Spirit in us leads us to take a stand for God’s character.
We are here to lift up his name.
“And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples
to myself ” John 12:32

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