Monday, September 28, 2009

worship with fear

Mercy means nothing to a person who is not convicted by The Holy Spirit,
the same with God’s love, forgiveness and holiness.
They appear like pearls before the swine. Matthew 7:6
Every man is guilty before God.
Fatalism eliminates man’s sense of guilt , but it cannot remove man’s fear.
A fatalistic person, or nation, cannot experience genuine worship,
only ritualistic, impersonal religion.
Jesus said to the Samaritan woman that true worship has nothing to
do with the geographical location where you worship.
It’s a far deeper issue.
“The hour is coming and now is when true (genuine, one who cannot lie)
worshippers will worship the father in spirit and truth
for the father is seeking such to worship him.” John 4:23-24
Genuine worship has the element of fear in it.
It’s the right kind of fear that motivates us to worship.
It is the knowledge of God, the fear of the known.
It’s not the fear punishment , but the fear of consequences.
Christ already has been punished for all our sins past, present and future.
Pastor Schaller illustrates the difference of these two kinds of fear with
the following example.
If there is a snake in your house, but you don’t know where it is,
you experience fear that is based on ignorance. That’s not the kind of
fear that would lead you to worship.
The second type of fear can be illustrated by a railroad track.
You look at the track; you know when the train is coming and
you keep yourself away from it.
This is a fear that is based on knowledge.
This is the way how God wants us to worship.
It’s a life-style worship.
It’s a personal relationship that matures as we grow in our knowledge of him.
“Oh, fear the Lord, you his saints
There is no want to those who fear him.” Psalm 34:9

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