Sunday, April 25, 2010

just laying there

“Behold, a sower went out to sow…” Matthew 13:3
And seemingly he did not do a very good job.
Most of his work was wasted.
75 % of the seed fell to a bad soil.
Some fell by the wayside, some on stony places, some among the thorns.
Why didn’t he sow all the seed to the good ground?
The picture is probably a very realistic description of the world.
There isn’t too much good ground around.
This is a picture of God’s common grace.
He lets the sun shine to the atheist and to the believer all the same.
We can ask some big questions.
Whose responsibility is this work after all, the sower’s or the soil’s?
What is the soil doing to be fruitful?
Basically nothing, just being there, and letting the sower do his work.
That is man’s responsibility.
Just let God do his work in you.
Don’t resist it.
Rejoice when you see even a little sign of life coming out from his seeds.
It’s the privilege of grace.

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