Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Let the world see grace!

Carnal life is self-destructive.
It doesn’t make sense to anyone, yet, it always finds it’s way .
Unbelievers wonder about it,
”she also, supposed to be some kind of a believer…”
The angels cannot figure it out.
They have seen too much glory to be tempted by the dust.
Jesus said, ”the flesh profits nothing.” John 6:63
No wonder we often feel ourselves empty.
Jesus wasn’t against people enjoying life,
good food and relaxed time with friends.
That’s how he built his church.
He was not trying to fix people’s flesh. He gave them a new life to
be occupied with. The more they tasted the glorious
new life, the less they had time to waste in the flesh.
Our flesh is incessantly hungry, demanding and annoying.
Many believers have achieved a lot of recognition to their flesh
in the world. That keeps them busy and away from the walk of faith.
Some speak about the importance of having a good testimony
to the world, but too often that has nothing to do with the testimony
of God’s grace in their life. They are “good people” in people’s eyes.
If the world doesn’t see that they are good “saved” people,
their testimony only becomes a religious fair show in the flesh.
Galatians 6:12
What the world needs now, is grace, sweet grace.
When we continue worshipping Jesus after all our failures and
embarrassing moments of carnality, the world can see grace.

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