Saturday, January 22, 2011

Five things

A Jordanian trend magazine challenged people,
”Have you ever asked yourself who in your life matters to you the most?
Who are the people you cannot live without, the people who keep you sane?
What if we told you to choose five- who would they be?”
Then the challenge went on to five things that you can’t live without?
Among the editor’s picks were items such as milk, high heels and morning coffee.
On Friday morning as I was strolling downtown Amman I obviously met
another crowd there.
The list of their five things would be very different.
To pick up the five people would be a difficult task for many around the world.
Most of the world’s population have to manage their life without the five,
things and people.
The masses are in a survival mood, not struggling with too many choices.
Jesus promised to his followers an abundant life. John 10:10
It’s clear that he was not talking about high heels and morning coffee.
What was he talking about?
The abundant life cannot be a bubble, materialistic or emotional, that gets you
excited for a moment, maybe even for seventy years, and then bursts
I believe that he is talking about the continuing relationship that every child
of God has with his Creator.
It is abundant because it’s secure. It’s satisfying because it develops daily.
It’s more valuable than any five or more things that are bound to last less
than a hundred years in our lives.
It’s an eternal journey that will one day take us up and beyond.

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