Sunday, January 9, 2011

His quality in us

Faith continues to be our greatest treasure in this world.
Nothing compares with the testimony of the Holy Spirit
in our hearts.
“The spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are
Children of God.” Romans 8:16
It’s so powerful . Nobody can buy forgiveness.
It disarms all worldly value systems.
How do you measure prosperity?
True prosperity cannot be measured by numbers,
but by qualities.
What is the spiritual quality of our thoughts, words and emotions?
What are our relationships, plans and schedules like?
Healthy faith is always leading us to add more quality to our soul.
Balanced, yet well defined doctrine; continual interest in the will of God;
seeking Him in prayer and worship and an unselfish interest in serving
others are great , yet very rare qualities in a person’s life.
Peter speaks about adding virtue to our faith in II Peter 1:5.
Quality refers to those things that will past the test.
In I Corinthians 3
silver, gold and precious stones are speaking about the divine
qualities in a person’s character.
Christ-likeness is seldom found in fast, superficial solutions.
He desires truth (Himself) to the uttermost. Psalm 51:6
“His name will be called Wonderful…” Isaiah 9:6

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