Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What would you say?

During the Christmas time I asked many people a provoking question,
“What would you say to a dying man?”
Most of the people were surprisingly lost with this question.
A good Turkish friend of mine said spontaneously, ”Goodbye!”
Then he got embarrassed by the superficiality of the answer and tried
to explain that he didn’t understand that I meant “really dying”.
Other as little comforting answers would be:
“Everybody dies one day.”
“Dying happens only once.”
“Nobody knows what happens after death.”
Christ gave us the hope of resurrection.
“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me
even if he dies will live.”
John 11:25
This is so powerful.
It means that God is waiting for us.
It means that we have been forgiven and bought with a high price.
It means that we shall never be rejected unto condemnation.
Have you ever held the hand of a dying man?
Those hands are all around us.
Christ is the answer.

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