Wednesday, April 30, 2014

IBI Istanbul Bible Institue IBI invites you...

IBI Istanbul Bible Institue IBI invites you to a more interesting life by the knowledge of the Bible beyond the basics.

The program is designed for Turkish and International students, who want to be trained in Christian Ministry or just to be personally strengthened in Biblical faith and philosophy.

The academic program follows the curriculum of the Maryland Bible College and Seminary and is taught by an international team of teachers in intensive one-month semesters four times a year.

Classes are offered in February, April, August and November. Besides classroom teaching, there are many opportunities for cross-cultural evangelism, interesting excursions and a lot of fun around Turkish tea and baklava.

Schedule for the teaching session in 2014:
IBI semester 1 February 10 – March 8
IBI semester 2 March 31 – April 26
IBI semester 3 August 4 – 30
IBI semseter 4 November 3 – 29

Courses in February: Foundation 1 | Discipleship | Methods of Evangelism | Church History 1 | Bible Survey 1
Fees: free Graduation: At the end of each monthly session, our students receive a certificate. After having completed the eight-session program, an IBI Degree is granted.
Contact us: / +90 537 203 6055  / +90 545 345 9299

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