Thursday, February 19, 2009

still about being smart

1)I liked your last sentence “God is smart but not proud” that brought me to the thought that sometimes people would leave the church because of pride that doesn’t let them to use their smartness in the Body of Christ. They think that the world needs them as the specialists and the church is for simple people . At the same time we should not be afraid to go and study in the world, get Master degrees in Math, Science and so on, cause there are a lot of people that you will not just meet on the street to share the gospel. I also liked this thought ”Everything that believers know and can do
should be used to the maximum to reach the whole world
with the best possible product ever, Salvation and beyond.” If you are a lawyer, you will reach a lawyer that works with you. If you teach in the school you will reach both teachers and students. If you are IT specialist you will share gospel with those smart computer guys.

2) If pastor has a confidence in God’s love he will not feel insecure that someone is smart or educated more than him.


Irada Bilgen

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